
Welcome to my blog! I’m Ellen Hou, a severe marketing addict. If you are interested in marketing, especially digital marketing, congratulations, you find a worth reading site. By the way, I am a Chinese girl named Yue Hou. I love my original name, but it is very weird when people pronounce it in English. It sounds like “You” or “Yo ho!” Every time my Chinese friends heard someone calling me this way, they could not help but laugh. It’s not easy for a native English speaker to pronounce “Yue” exactly right, but don’t worry, just call me Ellen.


I pursued a Bachelor’s degree in advertising at CUFE in Beijing, China, and is now a Master Candidate in Integrated Marketing at New York University. I feel so excited to write something about my area of expertise. This is different from my past experience of operating the self-media. I always try to be a good storyteller. Some of you guys may familiar about my blog’s logo. If so, you are my old fans. About three years ago, I started running an official account called ModernMusic on WeChat. Since then, I have used the red M icon as my logo. I would like to share that site to all of you, because ModernMusic is not just about music news or normal music reviews. I use ordinary people’s stories to interpret different types of songs and analyze the music market. Some of these articles have over 8,000 clicks. Unfortunately, all of them are written in Chinese. So, if you have interest, I would suggest you to learn some Chinese or wait for my future blogs on this site.

Obviously, you now know that I love music. I can play the jazz drum and Chinese traditional instrument Zheng. I also have a band when I was younger. Music occupies an important part of my life. However, music is never over writing to me. When I was a young girl, writing to me meant beautiful words with clever rhetoric. My writing pleasure came directly from the beautiful words I used. When I grow up, writing is no longer simply piling up words. It means something deep. Article’s content becomes the most important thing. The writing pleasure comes from presenting and discussing my thoughts instead. I always believe words’ power. I believe every word we read and write helps change the world. That is why I treat this blog beyond an assignment, but a serious creation and want to be professional.

In the next days, you will find interesting digital marketing blogs in Ellen’s Marketing Secret world. These articles may be related to a recent news, cases worth knowing about, some digging ideas, etc. I’ll try my best to make the articles easy to read and worth your time.

If you want to connect with me or have any questions, please never hesitate to contact me. I would like to be your friend and discuss anything with you.
